What is Personal Branding and why it’s important?

Chetna Tripathi
6 min readSep 7, 2020

Have you ever heard of Oprah Winfrey or Elan Musk? I am sure you have. They are the most powerful example of personal branding and undoubtedly the most influential personalities in their niche. They build their Personal Brand by authentically sharing their stories with the world. And you can do it too.

You are your own brand.

Your personal brand is how you represent yourself online and offline. How you want the world to see you. It is a combination of skills, experience, and personality.

It is a skill of telling your story with a purpose. It is the impression people get from your online representation.

A personal brand is an image you’ve created around yourself.

A personal brand is not only for who owns the business but anyone can build their personal brand and share their story with the whole world.

Whether you want to be an actor, comedian, fashion icon, chef, singer, or artist, in this digital world, you can be anything and build your brand in your area of interest.

We all have something unique in us and that’s what makes us different from others. If you want to make an impact in the world, you should work on creating your personal brand.

This is a digital era and we all have mobile phones and internet connections. We all are using some or the other social media platform. So instead of using it only for time pass and entertainment why don’t you build your own brand and start building your community?

So, if you want to build your personal brand identify What do you want to be known for when someone mentions you or your business?

If you are still in doubt and haven’t created a personal brand yet

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to get a clear vision:

  • What makes you different?
  • What are your core views and values?
  • What’s your message?
  • What problem do you solve?
  • What is your niche?
  • What type of service can you offer?
  • Who are your ideal people or customers?
  • How are you influential?

Why Is Creating A Personal Brand Important?

When you start putting yourself out there and start sharing your story, your experience, and your personality with your audience across social media, Your Perfect audience will Start to Find You.

People who can connect with your idea and can relate will your experience will actively engage with your content.

The more personal element you add to your content the easier it will get to build your community. And Over time you will build an awesome community of like-minded people who value your skills and sees you as an expert in your industry.

Once you find your ideal followers, you will start making a profit and reaching your goals.

If you are willing to build your personal brand, it’s important to show your authentic selves.

People like to feel like they know you personally. And this way, you can naturally build relationships and connections with people throughout the world.

Brands will work with you, only if your audience trust you, and your audience will only trust you when you can maintain your authenticity, hence if you try to be who you are not or try to fake it. Your audience will instantly catch you.

So, the long story short be authentic to build trust with your audience and this is what helps you to stand out from the crowd.

If you’re a freelancer, consultant, trainer, coach, author, coach, or in any other profession personal branding is a key to survive in the marketplace. When you have a personal brand, you stand out from the crowd.

You will get invited to speak at events, consult with companies, train at conferences, and work and collaborate with big brands. and gradually you will start generating profits.

So, If you want to build your personal brand then Follow the big players in your industry on social media or check out their bios, websites, and social media. Analyze their actions online and offline and recognize what makes them different from the rest? What are they doing to create that vibe and what is their brand message?

Check out all the practices they follow to create their personal brand and learn from them. You don’t need to copy them but you can use their success as an example of how to build a personal brand and take some inspiration.

So now you know that A personal brand is for everyone. It’s helpful and necessary to stand out when applying for a job, starting your own company, or just want to create a community of like-minded people.

So here are 10 golden rules for creating an engaging and unique personal brand.

Walt Disney said “I think it’s important to have a good hard failure when you’re young. I learned a lot from that. Because it makes you kind of aware of what can happen to you.”

Here’s are 4 things that you should never do if you are building your personal brand.

So, don’t bother about them because when you start attacking others, you’re showing a negative side of personality and it is a side that a lot of people didn’t like. And moreover, it’s not required. It's just a waste of time and energy.

Accept that you are an expert in your own niche. You don’t need to know everything. And whenever sharing your opinion on any subject that is not your area of expertise, be responsible, do your research and watch your words. When you are on a public platform it is your responsibility to provide genuine information to your community.

So now you know what is personal brand and why it is important for you and your business. You also have a basic idea of what you should do and what you should not do if you are trying to build your personal brand. However, there are no hard-set rules but these general tips and tricks will help you to take your first step.

Are you building your personal brand online? What are the challenges you are facing? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENT SECTION.

For now, signing off until next post.

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Thanks for reading | Stay happy, stay healthy.

Take care!

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Originally published at http://chetnatripathi.com on September 7, 2020.

